
Thursday, September 10, 2015

Back to school action plan

(Stacy here) Back to school sewing is in full swing for most people now.  Or perhaps you are already done? Good job!

I don't really make my kids special "First Day of School" outfits anymore.  Usually on their first day they wear something I made them over the summer, since it is still warm.

My focus on back to school sewing is sewing up something for fall when the temps start dipping lower.  This usually happens around the middle to end of September, so I still have a little time.

My kids don't need a lot of clothes right now.  My son did seem to grow a few inches over the summer.  He was gone to his aunt and uncle's farm for a week and I swear he got taller while he was there, too. I need to have him try on all his jeans and athletic pants to see what still fits and then get on that.  I might make some joggers for him that are cropping up all over the place right now.

He's a big t-shirt wearer, so I have a few I want to make him.  I have an Ottobre pattern that fits fairly well that I will use.  He barely wore long-sleeve shirts last year and opted to wear a hoodie if he got cold.  The same hoodie, usually for weeks at a time, until I took it out his backpack to wash it.  Boys.

There was a new hoodie released from Peek A Boo pattern shop that looks like it would be great for either a boy or girl.

As for the girl, I am working on peplum tops and leggings or pull on skinny pants.  She really doesn't wear dresses much, as the cold weather makes it a bit uncomfortable.  

There are several peplum top patterns that have cropped up over the last 6 months or so.

My version from last winter (I use the higher back option)

The joggers noted above could be used for the girls, too.  Otherwise, I have used Oliver + S Playtime Leggings for my daughter.

I have also used the Emilya's Skinny Pants from Simple Life Pattern Company (shown with the Paisely Top above).

As for right now, I have a few new outfits with peplum tops completed.  It's a start!

What are you sewing for back to school?


  1. Haha! My oldest son has done the same thing, worn short sleeve t-shirts the whole winter with the same hoodie everyday until it wore out!

    1. You would think they would start to smell themselves after awhile wouldn't you?? ;)


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