Friday, February 20, 2015

Extraordinary Girl Tour

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We were asked to be a part of a blog tour of the Extraordinary Girl top pattern by Filles a Maman and when we saw the top, we immediately said YES.  There are a lot of great bloggers that have already shared their version of this top, so please go check out what they have done.
And since we both wanted to sew the get a couple of different versions just from us!
And at the end of this post, there is a huge giveaway that you can enter!

The top has a fun neckline of overlapping shoulders and lots of opportunities for color blocking.  It also is available for purchase in adult and child sizes.  (separate pattern for each...but there is an option to bundle for a discount)

pattern review

Name of the pattern:  Extraordinary Girl 
Pattern Source: You can find this pattern at   Filles a Maman website that is in French and English.

Sizes available:  The children's pattern comes in sizes 12 months to 14 years.  The woman's pattern is available up to XXL. You can buy them separately or you can bundle the 2 for a discounted price.

pattern review

Special materials required:  This pattern requires knit fabrics with at least a 40% stretch but is not recommended for knits with more than 70% stretch.  The pattern instructions tell you how to test the stretch of your fabric.

Skill level required:  Beginner!  If you are looking to try sewing knits for the first time, this is a great pattern for you because it is super simple and you do not have to do a circular ribbing at the neck.
pattern reveiw

How you came to choose the pattern:  We picked this pattern because of the blog tour, but I am so glad we got invited.  I love Filles a Maman patterns as they are simple and right on trend.

We each made slight modifications to the pattern to fit our girlss style.
On Abi's top, I did deviate from the pattern slightly.  I added a slim band of purple on the sleeves to finish them.

For Sophia's I added a lace overlay, which was basically cutting out and sewing 2 of the top insert pieces together.

Good:  The good about the pattern is that it is so easy and it is stylish for a girl or woman.  I loved wearing mine and we did not feel too matchy-matchy as we went about our day's activities.  (We went to the local nature center and learned about the science of snowflakes.) The boat neck and the high/low hem also makes it a great variation to the standard T-shirt.

sewing pattern for girls and women

Bad:  With the overlap shoulder, Abi's cami straps did show.  I did not have that problem, so it may be just the way her skinny shoulders are built.

Ugly:  none.

Overall pattern rating:  4 bolts

The fellow bloggers on tour are:

Monday Feb. 16th

Tuesday Feb. 17th

Wednesday Feb. 18th

Thursday Feb. 19th

Friday Feb, 20th

There are wonderful prize packages associated with this tour!!

Bundle #1:
Filles a Maman 2 patterns winner's choice
Sofilantjes - 1 pattern winner's choice
Julie pattern by Muffin Head
AimeLea & Finn - 1 pattern winner's choice
FABulous Home Sewn -1 pattern winner's choice
Fancy Schmancy - 1 pattern winner's choice
E+M Patterns - 1 pattern winner's choice

Bundle #2:
Filles a Maman 2 patterns winner's choice
Sofilantjes - 1 pattern winner's choice
Fancy Schmancy - 1 pattern winner's choice
MCM Studio Designs - 1 pattern winner's choice
MandyK Designs -1 pattern winner's choice
Striped Swallow Designs - 1 pattern winner's choice

1 comment:

  1. Thanks a lot for being part of this tour, it's a always a pleasure to have you in! Sincerely.


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